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Accessible, liveable, adaptable housing

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Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) refers to homes for people who require tailored housing solutions to support extreme functional impairment or very high support needs. Funding is provided to NDIS participants who meet strict eligibility criteria.

The SDA Price Guide was first introduced in 2017 following registration of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Specialist Disability Accommodation) Rules 2016 (SDA Rules), which were agreed upon by the Commonwealth and all state and territory governments. The SDA Price Guide has since been updated annually and includes requirements for SDA design categories for current SDA dwellings and projects. There are four categories of SDA design:

  • Improved Liveability

  • Robust

  • Fully Accessible

  • High Physical Support

In 2019, the SDA Design Standard was released to provide clarity on SDA housing design requirements for new and future enrolment of SDA dwellings. The SDA Design Standard is now in full effect as of 1 July 2021.

Our Accredited SDA Assessors have provided assessments and advice on many SDA projects across NSW, the ACT and QLD which are now enrolled under the NDIS.

For assessments at design and as-built stages, please contact us. Wendy and Aja are now both fully Accredited SDA Assessors.

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The majority of residential apartment developments are required to incorporate adaptable housing and we are adept at navigating these requirements. We can decipher the legislative requirements applicable to your development, whether prescribed by a local council Development Control Plan (DCP) or through a state planning instrument, and assess both individual dwelling designs and the overall building to ensure compliance is achieved.

With reference to AS 4299 as required for your particular development, we can advise on the elements which are necessary to incorporate in the initial construction and how future adaptation can enable suitable accessible features.

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The Livable Housing Design Guidelines (LHDG) commenced on a voluntary basis in 2013 and, given the reluctant uptake, the 2015 revision of NSW SEPP 65 now refers in its associated Apartment Design Guide to 20% of residential apartments being designed to silver level. Various other local government plans prescribe a percentage of dwellings to meet LHDG and BCA 2022 is set to introduce requirements relating to all new dwellings.

Many of the livable housing projects we have been involved in to date have been associated with NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) funding and requested livable housing elements to platinum level. A number of community housing and disability service providers have also opted to seek livable housing certification for promotional purposes to formally recognise the universal design elements adopted to accommodate their target market.

Livable housing is also encouraged as an optimal approach to suit people throughout the life cycle such as parents with prams, people with a disability and the ageing population, offering homes which are safer, more comfortable and easier to access and adapt.

For assessments at design and as-built stages, please contact us.


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