Aja and Wendy are now accredited Changing Places assessors!

What are Changing Places?

Changing Places at Melbourne Cricket Ground

Image Source: Changing Places at Melbourne Cricket Ground

Changing Places are accessible adult sanitary rooms for people who are unable to use standard accessible facilities.

The size and design of these rooms enable adults with disabilities the space for multiple carers to support them and, crucially, includes an overhead hoist that covers the entire room.

These facilities enable better participation in the community for people with high support needs, such as people with a spinal cord injury, motor neurone disease or cerebral palsy.

Currently there are more than 180 Changing Places facilities in Australia!

How are Changing Places different?

Changing Places provide specialised equipment suitable for adults with a disability. This includes a height adjustable change table and an overhead hoist that covers the entire room, allowing carers to assist the person with a disability to use the toilet, change table etc.

Drop down grab rails and a privacy screen are provided for the peninsula toilet. The Changing Places design specifications (2020) also provide the capacity to include a shower in the design. 

What is the difference between Changing Places and Accessible Adult Change Facilities?

Changing Places

Accessible Adult Change
Facility (BCA F2.9)

  • Voluntary in any location
  • Mandatory for certain types of buildings
  • Accredited through a registered Changing Places assessor
  • Signed off by the certifier
  • Includes technical requirements for an accessible peninsula-style toilet and change facility, and may include a shower facility
  • Does not include technical provisions for adding a combined accessible shower facility
  • Allows for a secured room using an MLAK key to protect facilities
  • Security provisions are at the discretion of the developer, subject to BCA compliance
  • Additions such as a privacy screen for the toilet
  • Does not require a privacy screen
  • More detailed technical specifications relating to fixtures such as the hoist


While a facility can be both a Changing Place and an Accessible Adult Change Facility, the BCA does not require Accessible Adult Change Facilities to be accredited as Changing Places. However, facilities built to the Changing Places design standards will generally satisfy BCA requirements.

Want to know more?

Consultants at ACCESSED are accredited Changing Places assessors. For assessments at design and as-built stages, please contact us.

The Changing Places name and logo are trademarked in Australia by the State of Victoria through the Department of Health and Human Services. 



